Imagine that you have a PXE / USB / boot setup that boots in seconds, and as its last step, starts a docker privileged image labeled ‘dom0:latest’.
Most importantly, each of these servers then would ‘docker pull’ and ‘docker run’ the services and applications it provides – without modifying the base OS, or ‘dom0’
It also gives the server farm admin the opportunity to make a customized ‘dom0:latest’ image – containing the farm’s ‘dom0:latest’ thus orchestrating the inner container configurations further.
I’m using boot2docker on my ‘docker-server’ (an old x61 thinkpad), and using the inbuilt harddrive to store the docker images that are run on it. I’m totally avoiding modifying the base OS, and doing all the work in containers – enabling very fast run and teardown for development and testing.
now if only ‘turnbull-net’ wasn’t totally useless for pulling images (gee, thanks Malcolm Turnbull, 1MB ADSL with constant dropouts in the middle of Brisbane is sooooooo conducive to working).