Docker, containers and simplicity.

Docker Containers emulate Operating Systems, allowing you to build, manage and run applications and services. And you copy around your application, data and configurations.

I’ve now been working for Docker Inc. for 2 months. My primary role is Enterprise Support Engineer: I’m one of the guys that your company can turn to when the going gets tough, for training, or just generally to ask questions.

In these months, I’ve been working on Boot2Docker (OSX, Windows installers), our Documentation, and generally helping users come to terms with the broad spectrum of effects that Docker has on developing, managing and thinking about software components.

I’m still trying to work out ways to explain what Docker does – this is March’s version:

Virtual machines emulate complete computers, so you setup, maintain and run a complete Operating System, and copy around complete monolithic filesystem images.
Docker Containers emulate Operating Systems, allowing you to build, manage and run applications and services. And you copy around your application, data and configurations.

This might not quite feel right, given that images are build ‘FROM’ a base image – but one thought I have, is that as that base image (and most often some local modifications) are likely to be common to your entire infrastructure, that layer will be shared for all your containers. Chances are, you didn’t build it either – Tianon did :).

Solomon keeps reminding me that Dockerfiles are like Makefiles – and in the back of my mind, I think of our application image layers as packages, thin wrappers around applications that are then orchestrated together to produce your service. The base image you choose is only there to support that, and over time I’m sure we’ll simplify those much more.

Author: Sven Dowideit

You might remember me from tools like,,, Docker documentation, or

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