Slim application containers (using Docker)

Another talk I gave at, was about making slim containers (youtube) – ones that contain only the barest essentials needed to run an application.

In the same way that we don’t ship the VM / filesystem of our build server, you should not be shipping the container you’re building from source.

Another talk I gave at, was about making slim containers (youtube) –  ones that contain only the barest essentials needed to run an application.

And I thought I’d do it from source, as most “Built from source” images also contain the tools used to build the software.

1. Make the Docker base image you’re going to use to build the software

In January 2015, the main base images and their sizes looked like:

scratch             latest              511136ea3c5a        19 months ago       0 B
busybox             latest              4986bf8c1536        10 days ago         2.433 MB
debian              7.7                 479215127fa7        10 days ago         85.1 MB
ubuntu              15.04               b12dbb6f7084        10 days ago         117.2 MB
centos              centos7             acc1b23376ec        10 days ago         224 MB
fedora              21                  834629358fe2        10 days ago         250.2 MB
crux                3.1                 7a73a3cc03b3        10 days ago         313.5 MB

I’ll pick Debian, as I know it, and it has the fewest restrictions on what contents you’re permitted to redistribute (and because bootstrapping busybox would be an amazing talk on its own).

Because I’m experimenting, I’m starting by seeing how small I can make a new Debian base image –  starting with:

FROM debian:7.7

RUN rm -r /usr/share/doc /usr/share/doc-base \
          /usr/share/man /usr/share/locale /usr/share/zoneinfo

CMD ["/bin/sh"]

Then make a new single layer (squashed image) by running docker export and docker import

REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             VIRTUAL SIZE
debian              7.7                 479215127fa7        10 days ago         85.1 MB
our/debian:jessie   latest              cba1d00c3dc0        1 seconds ago       46.6 MB

Ok, not quite half, but you get the idea.

Its well worth continuing this exercise using things like dpkg —get-selections to remove anything else you won’t need.

Importantly, once you’ve made your smaller base image, you should use it consistently for ALL the containers you use. This means that whenever there are important security fixes, that base image will be downloadable as quickly as possible –  and all your related images can be restarted quickly.

This also means that you do NOT want to squish your images to one or two layers, but rather into some logical set of layers that match your deployment update risks –  a common root base, and then layers based on common infrastructure, and lastly application and customisation layers.

2. Build static binaries –  or not

Building a static binary of your application (in typical Go style) makes some things simpler –  but in the end, I’m not really convinced it makes a useful difference.

But in my talk, I did it anyway.

Make a Dockerfile that installs all the tools needed, builds nginx, and then output’s a tar file that is a new build context for another Docker image (and contains the libraries ldd tells us we need):

cat | docker build -t build-nginx.static -
docker run --rm build-nginx.static cat /opt/nginx.tar > nginx.tar
cat nginx.tar | docker import - micronginx
docker run --rm -it -p 80:80 micronginx /opt/nginx/sbin/nginx -g "daemon off;"
nginx: [emerg] getpwnam("nobody") failed (2: No such file or directory)

oh. I need more than just libraries?

3. Use inotify to find out what files nginx actually needs!

Use the same image, but start it with Bash –  use that to install and run inotify, and then use docker exec to start nginx:

docker run --rm build-nginx.static bash
$ apt-get install -yq inotify-tools iwatch
# inotifywait -rm /etc /lib /usr/lib /var
Setting up watches.  Beware: since -r was given, this may take a while!
Watches established.
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ CLOSE_NOWRITE,CLOSE
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ CLOSE_NOWRITE,CLOSE
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ CLOSE_NOWRITE,CLOSE
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ CLOSE_NOWRITE,CLOSE
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ CLOSE_NOWRITE,CLOSE
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ CLOSE_NOWRITE,CLOSE
/etc/ OPEN passwd
/etc/ OPEN group
/etc/ ACCESS passwd
/etc/ ACCESS group
/etc/ OPEN localtime
/etc/ ACCESS localtime
/etc/ CLOSE_NOWRITE,CLOSE localtime

Perhaps it shouldn’t be too surprising that nginx expects to rifle through your user password files when it starts 🙁

4. Generate a new minimal Dockerfile and tar file Docker build context, and pass that to a new `docker build`

The trick is that the build container Dockerfile can generate the minimal Dockerfile and tar context, which can then be used to build a new minimal Docker image.

The excerpt from the Dockerfile that does it looks like:

# Add a Dockerfile to the tar file
RUN echo "FROM busybox" > /Dockerfile \
    && echo "ADD * /" >> /Dockerfile \
    && echo "EXPOSE 80 443" >> /Dockerfile \
    && echo 'CMD ["/opt/nginx/sbin/nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]' >> /Dockerfile

RUN tar cf /opt/nginx.tar \
           /Dockerfile \
           /opt/nginx \
           /etc/passwd /etc/group /etc/localtime /etc/nsswitch.conf /etc/ \

This tar file can then be passed on using

cat nginx.tar | docker build -t busyboxnginx .


Comparing the sizes, our build container is about 1.4GB, the Official nginx image about 100MB, and our minimal nginx container, 21MB to 24MB –  depending if we add busybox to it or not:

REPOSITORY          TAG            IMAGE ID            CREATED              VIRTUAL SIZE
micronginx          latest         52ec332b65fc        53 seconds ago       21.13 MB
nginxbusybox        latest         80a526b043fd        About a minute ago   23.56 MB
build-nginx.static  latest         4ecdd6aabaee        About a minute ago   1.392 GB
nginx               latest         1822529acbbf        8 days ago           91.75 MB

Its interesting to remember that we rely heavily on I know this, its a UNIX system –  application services can have all sorts of hidden assumptions that won’t be revealed without putting them into more constrained environments.

In the same way that we don’t ship the VM / filesystem of our build server, you should not be shipping the container you’re building from source.

This analysis doesn’t try to restrict nginx to only opening certain network ports, devices, or IPC mechanisms – so there’s more to be done…

Docker, containers and simplicity.

Docker Containers emulate Operating Systems, allowing you to build, manage and run applications and services. And you copy around your application, data and configurations.

I’ve now been working for Docker Inc. for 2 months. My primary role is Enterprise Support Engineer: I’m one of the guys that your company can turn to when the going gets tough, for training, or just generally to ask questions.

In these months, I’ve been working on Boot2Docker (OSX, Windows installers), our Documentation, and generally helping users come to terms with the broad spectrum of effects that Docker has on developing, managing and thinking about software components.

I’m still trying to work out ways to explain what Docker does – this is March’s version:

Virtual machines emulate complete computers, so you setup, maintain and run a complete Operating System, and copy around complete monolithic filesystem images.
Docker Containers emulate Operating Systems, allowing you to build, manage and run applications and services. And you copy around your application, data and configurations.

This might not quite feel right, given that images are build ‘FROM’ a base image – but one thought I have, is that as that base image (and most often some local modifications) are likely to be common to your entire infrastructure, that layer will be shared for all your containers. Chances are, you didn’t build it either – Tianon did :).

Solomon keeps reminding me that Dockerfiles are like Makefiles – and in the back of my mind, I think of our application image layers as packages, thin wrappers around applications that are then orchestrated together to produce your service. The base image you choose is only there to support that, and over time I’m sure we’ll simplify those much more.

Docker 0.7 is here – welcome RPM distros (and anyone else that lacks AUFS)

The Docker project has continued its mostly-monthly releases with the long anticipated 0.7 release, this time making the storage backend pluggable, so fedora/redhat based users can use it without building a custom kernel.

The Docker project has continued its mostly-monthly releases with the long anticipated 0.7 release, this time making the storage backend pluggable, so fedora/redhat based users can use it without building a custom kernel.

I’m curious to see the performance differences between the 3 storage backends we have now – but I need to assimilate the wonders of Linking containers for adhoc scaling first.

Try it out – I’m even more convinced that Docker containers have an interesting future 🙂

Foswiki 1.1.5 released – rpms, debs and usbstick ready

Foswiki 1.1.5 released – rpms, debs and usbstick ready

George has been leading the charge to a major bug fixing release of foswiki – we’ve resolved over 120 issues, and worked hard to improve security – dealing with some interesting cross site scripting issues found by ‘SonyStyles’, and then pushing on to harden the registration process to deal with spammers.

foswiki’s password system can now migrate your user’s password store to more modern encryption methods – the default that we shipped with Twiki can thus move from crypt to md5-apache.

4 days after the release, the installation and maintenance options for 1.1.5 have improved too:

  1. my yum package repository (extensions too)
  2. my debian package repository (extensions too)
  3. my Foswiki on a USB stick for Windows
  4. Oliver’s VirtualMachine

More Apache conf magic, this time for foswiki

More Apache conf magic, this time for foswiki

Last month, I’ve needed to diagnose 2 issues with a foswiki installation.

The first is the constant issue of pinpointing performance problems, the second with session persistence not persisting.

Both of these needed some form of logging to track when and to whom they were happening, so I figured the easiest thing to do was to use Apache to log what I needed.

Performance monitoring

Apache can log ‘The time taken to serve the request, in microseconds.’, and it can log HTTP response header values. So I added a little code to the foswiki installation to output a HiRes timer of how long it took to render the request, and set up my log as:

#add a 'performance' log
LogFormat  "%h %l %{SCRIPT_URI}e%q %u %t %>s %Ts (%DuS) foswiki: %{X-Foswiki-Monitor-Rendertime}o " performance
CustomLog logs/performance_log performance

Using this log, we can compare configuration changes and loads vs both perl execution times and (it seems) some measure of communication times.

Session Cookie logging

In this foswiki’s case, there was a mix of http/https, ipv4/ipv6, Client SSL Certificates and hotfixed RewriteRules that I was suspicious of. So given that it worked for my connections more often than not, I wondered if there were conflicts of session cookies between ssl and non-ssl, or something more insidious.

So I started logging session cookies (guid’s)

#add a 'session cookies and strikeone' log
LogFormat  "%h %{HTTP_HOST}e %>s \"%r\" %{pid}P \"%{SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_CN}e\" %{FOSWIKISID}C %{SFOSWIKISID}C %{FOSWIKISTRIKEONE}C " session
CustomLog logs/session_log session

In both cases, these log files let me pinpoint what the problem was not – and then have that inspiration that fixed the worst of it.


X-Foswiki-Monitor-renderTime patch

I’ll either add this to foswiki 1.2.0, or make a plugin for it, but if you want to see how long things take to render, apply this patch:

NOTE: you will need to install the Time::HiRes CPAN library

diff --git a/core/lib/ b/core/lib/
index 4771f71..d26bd80 100644
--- a/core/lib/
+++ b/core/lib/
@@ -838,6 +838,9 @@ BOGUS

+    $this->{response}->pushHeader( 'X-Foswiki-Monitor-renderTime',
+        $this->{request}->getTime() );
     $this->generateHTTPHeaders( $pageType, $contentType, $text, $cachedPage );

     # SMELL: null operation. the http headers are written out
diff --git a/core/lib/Foswiki/ b/core/lib/Foswiki/
index 2ce2e15..a06af69 100644
--- a/core/lib/Foswiki/
+++ b/core/lib/Foswiki/
@@ -36,6 +36,14 @@ use Assert;
 use Error    ();
 use IO::File ();
 use CGI::Util qw(rearrange);
+use Time::HiRes ();
+sub getTime {
+    my $this = shift;
+    my $endTime = [Time::HiRes::gettimeofday];
+    my $timeDiff = Time::HiRes::tv_interval( $this->{start_time}, $endTime );
+    return $timeDiff;

 =begin TML

@@ -69,6 +77,7 @@ sub new {
         remote_user    => undef,
         secure         => 0,
         server_port    => undef,
+        start_time     => [Time::HiRes::gettimeofday],
         uploads        => {},
         uri            => '',





Centos yum install foswiki and Debian apt-get install foswiki

Thats right, on Redhat Enterprise and Centos, its now just as easy to install foswiki and its ~300 plugins as it is to do so on Debian.

That’s right, on Redhat Enterprise and Centos, it’s now just as easy to install foswiki and its ~300 plugins as it is on Debian.

This means that you can now manage your Enterprise Foswiki using the same package management tools as the rest of the operating system.

For example, I just installed a demo system with:

yum install foswiki-jhotdrawplugin foswiki-ldapcontrib foswiki-newuserplugin foswiki-glueplugin foswiki-ldapngplugin foswiki-calendarplugin foswiki-edittableplugin foswiki-interwikiplugin foswiki-renderlistplugin foswiki-smiliesplugin foswiki-tableplugin foswiki-directedgraphplugin

and when yum finished, I browse to http://server/foswiki/ and its up and running.

These packages are built by a script that downloads the latest packages from, generates an EPM manifest and then builds rpm packages – every night. I have not yet tested them with Redhat Enterprise 6 or fedora


To try it out, you’ll need to add the EPEL repository, and then this one to your yum config:


rpm -Uvh
cd /etc/yum.repo.d/

and then run

yum makecache


To see what foswiki extensions are available, run
yum search foswiki

To install foswiki, and some plugins:

yum install foswiki foswiki-workflowplugin foswiki-jscalendarcontrib foswiki-ldapcontrib

then browse to http://servername/foswiki/bin/configure to enable the plugin and configure settings.